Лафкадио Херн
Внешний вид
Лафкадио Херн |
англ. Patrick Lafcadio Hearn, Кодзиуми Якумо |
р. 27 июня 1850, Лефкас |
ум. 26 сентября 1904 (54 года), Токио |
ирландско-американский прозаик, переводчик и востоковед, специалист по японской литературе |
Биография в Britannica (11-th) • Den Store Danske • Encyclopædia Universalis • Britannica Online • Лаборатория Фантастики • Encyclopedia of Fantasy • Hrvatska enciklopedija
[править]- Chita. A Memory of Last Island (1888)
- Youma, the Story of a West-Indian Slave (1890)
[править]- Giglampz (1874)
- The Cedar Closet (1874)
- Violent Cremation (1874)
- Some Strange Experience (1875)
- The Restless Dead (1875)
- Valentine Varies (1875)
- Banjo Jim's Story (1876)
- Butterfly Fantasies (1876)
- Frost Fancies (1876)
- All in White (1879)
- Les Coulisses (1879)
- The Devil's Carbuncle (1879)
- The Little Red Kitten (1879)
- The Night of All Saints (1879)
- A Dead Love (1880)
- A Dream of Kites (1880)
- Aphrodite and the King's Prisoner (Aphrodite and King's Prisoner) (1880)
- At the Cemetery (1880)
- Hereditary Memories (1880)
- Metempsychosis (1880)
- The Black Cupid (1880)
- The Fountain of Gold (1880)
- The Ghostly Kiss (1880)
- The Name on the Stone (1880)
- The Stranger (1880)
- The Undying One (1880)
- The Vision of the Dead Creole (1880)
- When I Was a Flower (1880)
- Y Porque? (1880)
- The Chemise of Margarita Pareja (1880)
- Сорочка Маргариты Пареха — перевод Е. Муравьёвой, 2017
- "Aïda" (1881)
- A Kiss Fantastical (1881)
- A Legend (1881)
- El Vómito (1881)
- Spring Phantoms (1881)
- The Bird and the Girl (1881)
- The Gipsy's Story (1881)
- The Idyl of a French Snuff-Box (1881)
- The One Pill-Box (1881)
- The Tale of a Fan (1881)
- "His Heart is Old" (1882)
- A River Reverie (1882)
- Hiouen-thsang (1882)
- MDCCCLIII (1882)
- St. Brandan's Christmas (1882)
- The Dead Wife (1882)
- A Lily In The Mouth Of Hell (1883)
- Bidasari (1883)
- The Piper Of Hamelin (1883)
- L'Amour après la Mort (1884)
- The First Muezzin (1884)
- The Post-Office (1884)
- Torn Letters (1884)
- Three Dreams (1885)
- The Legend Of Tchi-Niu (The Legend of Zhi Nü) (1885)
- Легенда о Чжи Нюй — перевод А. Б. Танасейчука, 2015
- A Sketch Of The Creole Patois (1886)
- The Tale Of The Porcelain-God (The Tale of the Porcelain God) (1887)
- The Return Of Yen-Tchin-King (The Return of Yan Zhenjing) (1887)
- Возвращение Ен Чин Кана (Возвращение Ян Цзинь-цзина) — перевод А. Б. Танасейчука, 2015
- The Soul Of The Great Bell (1887)
- Душа Великого Колокола — перевод А. Б. Танасейчука, 2015
- The Story Of Ming-Y (The Story of Ming Yi) (1887)
- История Минг Ю (История Мин Ю) — перевод А. Б. Танасейчука, 2015
- The Tradition Of The Tea-Plant (The Tradition of the Tea Plant) (1887)
- Out of the Sea’s Strength (1888)
- The Legend of L’Île Dernière (1888)
- The Shadow of the Tide (1888)
- Karma (1890)
- The Red Bridal (1894)
- Венчанные смертью — перевод Софии Лорие, 1910
- Свадебный обряд — перевод А. Б. Танасейчука, 2015
- A Wish Fulfilled (1895)
- Желание, что исполнилось — перевод А. Б. Танасейчука, 2015
- In the Twilight Of the Gods (1895)
- Сумерки богов — перевод Е. Маурина, 1918
- В сумерках богов — перевод В. П. Чурсина, 2016
- The Ballad Of O-Shichi, The Daughter Of The Yaoya (1896)
- The Ballad Of Oguri-Hangwan (1896)
- The Ballad Of Shuntoku-Maru (1896)
[править]- Explanatory (1884), эссе
Htrat Leaves
[править]- The Book of Thoth, From an Egyptian Papyrus (1884)
- The Fountain Maiden (The Fountain Maiden. A Legend of the South Pacific) (1884)
- The Bird Wife (The Bird Wife. An Esquimaux Tradition) (1884)
Tales From Indian and Buddhist Literature
[править]- The Making Of Tilottama (1884)
- The Brahman and his Brahmani (1884)
- Bakawali (1884)
- Natalika (1884)
- Наталика — перевод В. А. Танина, 1915
- The Corpse-Demon (1884)
- The Lion (1884)
- The Legend of the Monster Misfortune (1884)
- A Parable Buddhistic (1884)
- Pundari (1884)
- Пундари — перевод В. А. Танина, 1915
- Yamaraja (1884)
- The Lotos of Faith (1884)
Runes from the Kalewala
[править]- The Magical Words (1884)
- The First Musician (1884)
- The Healing of Wainamoinen (1884)
Stories of Moslem Lands
[править]- Boutimar, the Dove (1884)
- The Son of a Robber (1884)
- A Legend of Love (1884)
Traditions Retold From The Talmud
[править]- The King's Justice (1884)
- A Legend of Rabba (1884)
- The Mockers (1884)
- Esther's Choice (1884)
- The Dispute in the Halacha (1884)
- Rabbi Yochanan ben Zachai (1884)
- A Tradition of Titus (1884)
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