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Galangale 26. Galapee-Tree = Sciodaphyllum Brownei. Galba = Calophyllum Calaba. Galimeta-wood = Dipholis salicifolia. Gall-Oak 288. Gallow-Grass 81. Gambir Shrub = Nauclea Gambir. Gandergosses 234. Gang-Flower 263. Garden Balsam = Dianthera pectoralis. Garden Bean = Vicia Faba. Garden Cabbage = Brassica oleracea. Garden Burnet = Poterium. Garden Daisy = Bellis hortensis. Garden Dog's Poison = Aethusa Cynapium. Garden forget-my not 120. Garden Lettuce. Garden Mallow 26. Garden Rocambole 24. Garden Sorrel 305, 306. Garden Wood-Bine = Lonicera Caprifolium. Garland Flower 122. Garland Philadelphus 248. Garlic(ck) 22, 23. Garlick-Shrub = Adenocalimna alliacea. Garlick Mustard, Garlick Hedge Mustard 331. Garlick Pear = Crataeva. Garlick-wort 22. Gasparillo = Esenbeckia. Gatten, Gatten-Tree, Gatter, Gatter-Tree 110. Gatteridge-Tree 142. Gawsee-Tree 184.

Genip-Tree = Genipa и Melicocca bijuga. Gentian 154, 155, 186. Gentianella = Gentiana acaulis. Germander 351. German Greens 69.

Giant Fennel 143. Gill 159. Gilliflower 46, 209, 217. Ginger 385. Wild Ginger 51. Gingergrass = Panicum verticillatum. Ginseng 239. Gipsy-wort 204. Girasol 163.

Gladdon. Gladen. Glader 178. Glass-wort 308, 312. Glide-wort 151. Globe-Amaranth = Gomphrena. Globe Flower 364. Globe Thistle 129. Globular-Shrub = Codia. Glow-worm-grass 200.

Goat's Beard 356, 356 и Spiraea Aruncus. Goat's Foot = Aegopodium Podagraria и Ipomaea pes Caprae. Goat's Leaf 198. Goat's Rue 160. Goat's Thorn 56, 57. Goat's weed 11. Goat's wheat 58 и Tragopyrum. Goat's wort 11. Gobetta Cherry 275. Gold Apples 202. Goldcare = Leucospermum. Gold of Pleasure 79, 79. Golde 77. Golden Cup 291. Golden Cutweed = Pterocarya virgatum. Golden Flower 267. Golden-Locks = Pterocarya virgatum и Chrysocoma. Venus Gold Locks 56. Golden Maiden Hair 56. Golden Mouseear = Hieracium aurantiacum. Golden Rod = Neurolaena lobata. Golden Rod-tree 335. Golden Samphire = Inula crithmoides. Golden Saxifrage 97, 97. Golden Spoon = Byrsonima cinerea. Golden Thistle 321. Golden Thread 226. Golden Tuft = Pterocarya virgatum. Golden Willow = Salix vitellina. Goldins, Goldings 97. Gold-Thread 226 и Helleborus purpurascens. Gold-Tree = Leucospermum. Goldy-Locks = Chrysocoma. Gomuti Palm-Sugar 44. Good King Henry 95. Gools 77, 97. Goose and Goslings 234. Goose Corn = Juncus squarrosus. Gooseberry 298. Goosefoot 94. Goosegrass 151, 270. Goosetansy 270. Goose Tongue 278. Gorse 367. Goulans 77. Gourd 115. Gout-Ivy 18. Gout-Tree = Cordia Colococca. Gout-Weed см. Goat Weed. Gowans. 77, 97. Gowlans 364. Gowles 77, 97.

Grain of Paradise 28. Grammont 362. Granadilla(e) = Passiflora Granadilla. Grape-Hyacinth 219, 220 и Hyacinthus botryoides. Grape-Flower 220. Grape-Pear 28. Grape-tree = Coccoloba uvifera. Grass of Parnassus 242. Grass-tree = Xanthorrhaea. Grass-Vetch = Lathyrus Nissolia. Grass Wrack 386. Gravel Bind = Soldanella. Great Burnet saxifrage = Pimpinella magna. Great Centaury 96. Great Cob = Corylus Avellana grandis. Great corn 385. Great cress 365. Greater Snapdragon 40. Grecian Stock = Matthiola graeca. Greeds 269. Greek Daphne 188. Greek Valerian 262, 262. Green 46. Green Savoy 69. Greenweed 154. Green-white = Vanilla claviculata. Greenwood = Genista tinctoria и Laurus Chloroxylon. Grey Bramble 303. Grigg 78. Gripgrass 151. Griotte Cherry 276. Gromil 196. Gromwell 196, 197. Ground Cypress = Santolina Chamaecyparissus. Ground-Heele 378. Ground Ivy 159. Ground Neetle 165. Ground Nut 41, 42, 87. Ground Pine 18 и Camphorosma. Ground-Plum 56. Ground Sel 326, 327.

Guaco = Mikania Guaco. Guarana Shrub = Paullinia sorbilis. Guava-Tree 277. Guelder-Rose 378, 379. Guernsey Lily = Nerine Sarniensis. Guigne 274. Guildes 97. Guinea Corn 337. Guinea Grass = Panicum altissimum. Guinea Hen-flower 148. Guinea Hen-weed = Petiveria. Guinea Peach = Sarcocephalus. Guinea Pepper 83. Guinea Wheat 385. Guld 76. Gules 77, 97. Gulf-Weed = Sargassum. Gum-Cistus 100. Gum-Copal = Rhus Copallina. Gum-Fig-Tree 145. Gum-Succory 96. Gum-Tree = Eucalyptus. Gum-Tree arabic = Acacia arabica. Gutta-Percha-Tree = Isonandra.


Hag-Berry 276. Hair-grass 18. Hairiff 151. Hair-Orchis = Trichosma. Halbert-