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* 226. Гамильтону Кэмп[беллу] (Hamilton Camp[bell]). Черновое.

1891 г. Января 27 — февраля 6. Я. П.

D[ear] S[ir].

I am very glad to avail myself of the opportunity of answering your questions sensibly.

1) Do I accept the miraculous element in the gospel narratives?

I think that to accept or to believe the miracles of the gospel is a complete impossibility for a sane person in our times. We cannot believe the miracles not because we wish, or we do not wish to believe in them, but because such narratives, having a certain meaning for people of the 4-th century, have none for us. If Christ in body ascended the sky, he is ascending it still and never will reach the seat at the right hand of his father. And the same stands for all the miracles of the gospel. I think that the faith in the miracle excludes the faith in the teaching. If Christ could make all men healthy and rich (if he could make wine out of water, he could make all men rich) he should have done it instead of teaching men how to be blessed without health and riches. Those who accept the miracles, accept them only because they do not want to accept the teaching.

2) The divinity of Christ?

The chief meaning of the definition of God is that He is a being different from man, above him and therefore if I say that man is God, I say a contradiction, just as if I said: spirit (the definition of which is something that is not matter) — spirit is matter. Christ being God is a belief that can be kept only by people who do not want to accept his teaching. If Christ is man the chief purport of his advent is his teaching and if I accept Christ as teacher I must follow his doctrine, but if he is God his teaching is only a little part of his significance. The chief thing is the story of his relation to the Father, the punishement of innocent people, the atonement, the sacrements, the church, the pope and so on, but not his teaching which cannot be accepted by the clergy, because it destroys at once their position and shows that their vocation is only a pretence to feed at the cost of the people.

3) About personal immortality?

I think that in this life internal experience shows us that the less we live our personal life, the more we feel sure of immortality,