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ли Карабчевского? Решите, нужно ли это в интересах дела. Решайте скорее, п[отому] ч[то] на днях им выдадут обвинит[ельный] акт.

Дружески жму вам руку.
Лев Толстой.

22 ноября 1901.

О Василии Алексеевиче Маклакове (р. 1869) см. т. 71.

180. Джону Беллоузу (John Bellows).

1901 г. Ноября 24/декабря 7. Гаспра.

Dear friend,

I received your letter and meant to answer it but the last two months I have been so weak that I could not do it. So you must excuse me for my long silence.

I read your letter twice and considered the matter as well as I could and could not arrive at a definite solution of the question. You may be right but I think not for every person which will read the book. It can have a bad influence over persons who will read not the whole book and not take in the sense of it. It might also have quite the opposite influence so as it was intented to. All what I can say in my defense is that when I read a book the chief interest for me is the Weltanschau[u]ng des Authors, what he likes and what he hates. And I hope that the reader, which will read my book with the same view will find out what the author likes or dislikes and will be influenced with the sentiment of the author. And I can say that when I wrote the book I abhorred with all my heart the lust and to express this abhorrence was one of the chief aims of the book.

If I have failed in it I am very sorry and I am pleading guilty if I was so inconsiderate in the scene of which you write, that I could have produced such a bad impression on your mind.

I think that we will be judged by our conscience and by God — not for the results of our deeds, which we can not know, but for our intentions. And I hope that my intentions were not bad.

Yours truly
Leo Tolstoy.

7 December 1901.