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23. C. P. Чителю (S. R. Chitale).

1908 г. Января 21/февраля 3. Я. П.

Jasnaja Poliana. Toula. Russia.

Dear Sir,

I received your letter and read it with great interest and pleasure. I appreciate very highly all my intercourse with Indian religious men such as from your letter I infer you to be. I have read with great interest and profit for my spiritual life all the Braminic religious books which I have come across and will be very thankfull for the book you propose to send me.

I was sorry to see that you think I do not agree with the fundamental principle of the Bhagavad-Gita1 that man should direct all his spiritual force only to his duty, or as I express it-to his life, to love and not think of the consequences, knowing that if he lives on this principle the results for himself and for the world will be the best possible. I firmly believe this and always try to remember it and to act accordingly myself, and say it to those who ask my opinion and express it in my writings. If my conception of life is truly religious I cannot think otherwise, for this principle is the foundation of religion. And religion, true religion is and always has been one and the same ewerywhere.

Thank you for the good feelings you express for me in your letter and allowing myself to reproach you for exagerating my importance, I remain your friend and brother2

Leo Tolstoy.

My friend V. Tchertkoff will send to you all my writings translated into English which can be of interest to you.

L. T.

3 Febr. 1908.

Ясная Поляна. Тула. Россия.

Милостивый государь,

Получил ваше письмо и прочел его с большим интересом и удовольствием. Я высоко ценю мое общение с индийскими религиозными людьми, каковым и вы являетесь, судя по вашему письму. С большим интересом и пользой для моей духовной жизни прочел я все встретившиеся мне браминские религиозные книги и буду очень благодарен зa книгу, которую вы предлагаете мне прислать.

Мне жалко было заметить, что вы думаете, будто я не соглашаюсь с основным положением Бхагават-Гиты1 о том, что человек должен направлять все свои духовные силы на исполнение долга, или, как я это