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  • held fast by Mark’s strong arms twisted round to free himself, and in the end fell to the ground and made for the fence. "Catch him, hold fast! There...
    587 КБ (106 008 слов) - 11:12, 30 августа 2023
  • И мне готовит рок она. Tempus erit, cum vos, orbemque tuebitur idem. Ovid. Fast. L.I. V.529. Грядет весна; — и жизни Гений Летит на северны холмы, Летит...
    1,02 МБ (88 330 слов) - 11:31, 1 сентября 2023
  • cushions on which she sat seemed to be sinking down through the earth. The long fast, her broken sleep on the previous night, the tears she had shed, and all...
    1,36 МБ (147 155 слов) - 16:57, 3 сентября 2023
  • и затянулъ старинную балладу: Joung men will love thee more fair and more fast; Heard ye so merry the little bird sing? Old men’s love the longest will...
    1,8 МБ (144 638 слов) - 20:17, 13 августа 2023