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  • anything like it, " she said. «Here the only person with no roots like that is Markushka.» «What sort of person is this Markushka. Leonti Koslov writes about...
    587 КБ (106 008 слов) - 11:12, 30 августа 2023
  • and then proceeded to the sitting-room. The table was spread for tea; all the tea equipage bright and glistening as cleanliness could make it. A cheerful...
    1,36 МБ (147 155 слов) - 16:57, 3 сентября 2023
  • въ бѣломъ галстукѣ вноситъ уставляемый на раздвижномъ столикѣ серебряный tea-kettle съ чайнымъ приборомъ и всякимъ сладкимъ печеньемъ… Венгерскій донъ-Жуанъ...
    903 КБ (73 855 слов) - 10:20, 28 августа 2023