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V.A. Kaptsov1, A.V. Chirkin2

About efficiency of individual protection equipment of respiratory organs as prophylactics of diseases (review)

1 All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Hygiene of Rospotrebnadzor, 125438, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Beta-Pro Ltd., 111024, Moscow, Russian Federation

The review of publications evaluating the effectiveness of personal respiratory protection (RPE) as means of reducing morbidity (occupational and morbidity with temporary loss of ability to work) and indicators of degree of purification of the inhaled air is presented. It is revealed that with a high degree of probability, systematic studies in this field were not carried out and that in some cases the effectiveness was overestimated by incorrect justification.

Key words: RPE, efficiency, protection factor, occupational diseases

Материал поступил в редакцию 07.02.2018 г.