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Материал из Викитеки — свободной библиотеки
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weed = Neurolaena lobata. Hallelujah 237. Hammerwort = Cestrum. Hand Plant = Cheirostemon. Hard-Cherry 274. Hard-fern 66. Hard-grass 11. Hardhack = Spiraea tomentosa. Hard heads 90. Hardwood-Tree = Ixia ferrea. Hare-bell 80. Hare mint 50. Hare's Ear 73, 73. Hare's Foot 358. Hare's-Foot-Fern = Davallia. Hare's Lettuce 272, 336. Hare's Palace 336. Hare's Tail-Grass = Lagurus. Hare's Tail-Rush 136. Harmel 244. Harstrong 246. Hart's Clover 213. Hart's Tongue 320. Hart's Thorn 293. Hart-Wort 186, 192, 355. Hasel. Hasel-Nut 111. Hassagay-Tree = Curtisia. Hatchet-Vetch = Bisserrula. Hautbois Strawberry 146. Hawkbit 41, 167. Hawknut 87. Hawk's Beard 113. Hawkweed 167. Hawthorn 112, 113. Haw-Tree (wild) = Pyrus torminalis. Haymaids 159. Hazel 111. Hazel-Nut 111.

Head-wark 241. Hearth bleending 93. Heart-Pea = Cardiospermum. Heart's Ease 382. Heart seed = Cardiospermum. Heath(er) 78, 78, 135, 195. Heath-Grass = Triodia. Heath-Hairgrass 18. Heath Pea 236, 236. Hedge-Bells 108. Hedge Berry 274. Hedge-Garlick 22. Hedge-hog-aloe = Aloe echinata. Hedge-hog-nut = Datura Stramonium. Hedge-hog-Thistle = Cactus echinocactus. Hedge-Hyssop 160. Hedge Maids 159. Hedge Mustard 137, 331 и Chenopodium ambrosioides. Hedge Nettle 341. Hedge-Dead-Nettle 342. Hedge Parsley 356. Hedge-Plant = Clematis. Heg-Berry 274. Helde 349. Helicampany = Inula Helenium. Hellebore 164. Helleborine = Arethusa bulbosa. Hell-weed 118. Helmet-Flower 6, 322. Hemlock 12, 98, 105, 230. Hemlock-Spruce = Abies canadensis. Hemp 81. Hemp-Agrimony = Ageratum conyzoides. Hemp-Eupatorium 139. Hemp-Nettle 150, 151. Hemp Dead-Nettie 151. Hen and Chickens = Sempervivum globiferum. Henbane 171, 171. Henbit = Lamium amplexicaule. Henna-Plant = Lawsonia. Hepatica 34. Hepatic-Aloe = Aloe Hepatica. Hep-Rose 301. Herb-Bennet 105, 157, 373. Herb Christopher 9, 176, 236. Herbe Eve 19. Herb Gerard 11. Herb of Grace 307, 307. Herb Ive или Ivy 19. Herb Margaret 62. Herb Paris 242. Herb Peter 273. Herb Robert = Geranium Robertianum. Herb Trinity 34, 382. Herb True Love 242. Herb Twopence 205. Hercule's all weal 186. Hercule's Club = Xanthoxylon Clava Herculis. Herd-grass = Agrostis americana. Heron's Bill 136. Heyhove 159.

Hickory = Carya. High Taper 375. Hill Green Pine 146. Hindheal 95. Hip-Rose 301. Hipwort 369.

Hock-Herb 207. Hog-gum-Tree = Moronobea. Hog-Plum = Spondias. Hog's Bean 171. Hog-weed 165: poisoned = Aristolochia grandiflora. Hog's Fennel 246, 329. Hog's Mushroom = Sonchus oleraceus. Hole-wort 110. Hollow-root 44 и Adoxa. Holley 137, 174. Holl hock (Holli-hock, Holy-hoke) 26. Holly Oak 288. Holly-rose 100 и Turnera ulmifolia. Holme 137. Holme Oak 288. Holy-Ghost 36. Holy-Rope 139. Holy-Grass 168. Holy-Herb 376. Honey-Berry = Melicocca. Honey-Flower = Melianthus. Honey Garlic = Nectaroscordum. Honey Locust 169. Honey Lotus 212. Honey-Plant 170. Honey-stalk 360. Honey-Suckle 197, 198. Honey-Suckle Clover 360. Honey wort 92. Hoop-Tree = Melia sempervirens. Hoop-White = Rivina. Hop 170. Hop-Hornbean 236. Hop-Trefoil 358. Horehound 60, 208. Horestrong 246. Horminum 312. Hornbean 86. Horn-Poppy 158. Horn-wort 92. Horse-Aloe = Aloe caballina. Horse bane 230. Horse Bean = Vicia Faba, equina. Horse Chestnut 12, 12. Horse Heel 177. Horse-Hoof 366. Horse Knop 90. Horse-Mint 215. Horse Purslane = Trianthema. Horse Radish 46. Horse Radish Tree = Moringa. Horse Shoe-Vetch = Hippocrepis. Horse-tail 93, 134, 168. Horse Thyme 76. Horse Tongue 307. Horse Vetch = Hippocrepis. Hound's Berry Tree 110. Hound's Tongue 119. Hound's Tree 110. House-leek 325. Hove 159.

Huckle Berry 371. Huge Shaddock 101. Hulver 137, 174. Sea Hulver 137. Humble Palmetto = Carludovicca. Humble Plant = Mimosa pudica. Hungarian Lotus = Nymphaea termalis. Hungry Rice = Paspalum filiforme. Hurr-Bur 185. Hurt-Sickle 90.

Hyacinth 171. Hypocist = Cytin Hyssop 173.


Icaco-Plum = Chrysobalanus Icaco. Iceland-Moss 93. Ice-Plant 216. Icy-Arnica = Arnica glacialis.

Ignatius-Bean = Strychnos Ignatii.

Illupie-Tree = Bassia longifolia.

Imperial Pink = Dianthus chinensis.

Indian-Aloe Tree 41. Indian Beaked-Grass = Eleusine. Indian Bush = Miconia. Indian Corn 385, 385. Indian Cress 365. Indian Cucumber = Medeola. Indian Fig = Opuntia Ficus indica. Indian Hemp 41. Indian Hore-hound = Monarda. In-