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Naseberry = Achras Sapota. Naseberry-Bully-Tree = Lucuma multiflora. Navel-wort 112, 369.

Neck-weed 81. Needle-Furze 153. Needle-Greenwood = Genista Anglica. Neele 197. Neem-Tree 212. Neesewort 164. Negressee = Bucida capitata. Negroe-Country-Yams = Dioscorea alata. Negro's Head = Phytelephas. Nepaul-Plum-Tree = Cerasus Nepalensis. Netted Melon = Cucumis Meloreticulatus. Nettle 369, 370. Nettle-Tree 89, 120. New Jersey Tea 88. New Zealand Flax 250. New Zealand Spinach = Tetragonia.

Nichar Tree = Guilandina. Nicker Tree 161. Nidle Size 177. Nightshade 59, 333, 334. Niopo Tree = Piptadenia peregrina. Nipple Beares = Cactus Mamillaria. Nipple-wort 185. Nitta-Tree = Parkia.

No-eye-pea = Cajanus. None-so-petty 317. None-such 200, 200, 210. Norfolk-Island Pine = Araucaria excelsa. Nosebleed 5. Notch-weed 95.

Nutmeg 221. Nut-Tree 111.


Oak 288, 289. Oak Cappadocia or of Jerusalem 95. Oak-Fern 266. Oak-Thistle = Cirsium (Serratula) arvense. Oak-Tree 288. Oat 59, 385. Oat-Grass 47, 59, 60, 71.

Ogechee Lime = Nyssa candicans.

Oil-Grain = Sesamum. Oil-Nut-Tree 180, 299. Oil-Palm = Elais. Oil-Plant = Sesamum. Oil-Seed 79.

Old Maid = Vinca rosea. Old-Man 47. Old Man's Beard = Clematis Vitalba, Geropogon, Leucopogon и Tillandsia usneoides. Oleander 225. Oleaster 131, 230. Olibanum Boswellia = Boswellia. Olive-Tree 230; wild 131, 230. Olive-Bark-Tree = Bucida Aceras. Olive Mangrove = Avicennia nitida. Olive wood = Elaeodendron.

One Berry 241, 242. Onion 22, 23.

Opera Girls = Mantisia.

Orach 58, 59. Orange, Orange Tree 101. Orange-Lily = Lilium aurantium. Orange Narcissus = Narcissus aurantius. Orchanet = Anchusa tinctoria. Orchard-Grass 122. Organy 234. Orpine 325. Orrice 177. Orris 177. Orris-root 177.

Osier 310, 311. Osmund; royale; the Waterman 236. Oswego Tea = Monarda didyma.

Otaheite-Apple = Jambosa Malaccensis. Otaheite Chestnut = Inocarpus. Otaheite Gooseberry = Cicca disticha.

Our Lady's Bedstraw 153.

Osentongue 31. Ox-Eve 38, 97. Ox-Lip 272, 273. Ox-Tongue 31, 251; Bristly Oxtongue = Helminthia echioides.

Oyster-Green 368.


Paccan Nut-Tree = Carya olivaeformis. Pachira = Carolinea. Paddock Pipe 134. Paddock-stools 13, 66. Padelion 20. Padow-Pipe = Equisetum palustre. Padstoole 66. Paeony 238. Pagle 273. Painting-Root 196. Palma Christi 299. Palmetto = Chamaerops и Thrinax. Palmyra Palm = Borassus. Panacea 46. Panic Grass 239. Pansy violet 382. Panther Strangler = Doronicum Pardalianches. Papaw-Tree 241. Paper Mulberry 71. Paper Narcissus = Narcissus papyraceus. Paper Plant = Papyrus. Para Cress 338. Paradise-Apple-Tree = Pyrus praecox. Paradise Plantain-Tree = Musa paradisiaca. Paraguay Tea 174. Pareira Brava-Root = Cissampelos. Park-Flower 105. Parnell Pratling 317. Parrot-weed = Bocconia frutescens. Parsley 20, 246, 331. Parsnep. Parsnip 243, 243, 332. Parthenium = Chrysanthemum Parthenium. Passion Flower 243. Pasque-Flower 35. Passe-Flower 35. Pasteque Cucumber = Cucumis Citrullus Pasteca. Patchouli 261, 261. Patience 306. Patience-Dock 306. St. Patrick's Cabbage 317. Paul's Betony 376. Pavia 12.

Pea 258. Peach 245. Peach-wort 265. Pea-Flower = Clitoria. Pea-Nuts 42. Pea-Tree 83. Pear 282, 336. Pear-Tree 28, 282, 337. Pearl-Plant 197, 308. Pearl-Wort 308. Pechurim Tree = Laurus Pichurim. Pectinate Fir Tree = Pinus (Abies) pectinata. Peepul-Tree = Ficus religiosa. Pearl Plant. Pearl Wort = Sagina. Pella mountain 351. Pellitory 241; common 280. Pellitory of Spain 30. Pell-Pipper 83. Peltigree 306. Pencil-moss = Penicilium. Penny Cress 354. Penny Grass 296. Penny royal 215 и Hedeoma. Pennywort = Hydrocotyle. Peony 238. Pepe-Potato 62. Pepper 82, 83, 257, 324. Pepper Crop 324. Pepper-Dulse = Ficus pinnatifidus. Peppermint 214. Pepper-Mint-Tree = Eucalyptus piperita. Pepper Mushroom = Agaricus piperatus. Pepper Saxifrage 329. Pepper-vine = Vitis arborea. Pepper wort 316. Pepper-wort-Cress 191. Pepul-Tree 145. Peristerion = Verbena officinalis. Periwinkle 380. Persian Jasmine. Persian Lilac =