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Maximiliana Caribaea. Crown-Pea = Pisum sativum umbellatum. Crown vetch 110. Crow's foot = Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum. Crow Silk = Conferva. Crow-Toe = Astragalus. Crystalline 216.

Cuba Vanilla = Critonia. Cubeba. Cubeb Pepper 257. Cuckold 185. Cuckoo Bread 83, 237. Cuckoo Flower 84, 201, 233. Cuckoo Gilliflower 201. Cuckoo-Meat 237. Cuckoo-Pint 50. Cuckoo-Pintel 50. Cuckoo-Sorrel = Oxalis Acetosella. Cuckoo-Thistle 84. Cucumber 114, 115, 329. Cucumber Three 206 и Magnolia acuminata. Cudweed 160. Cudwort 160. Culilaban Tree = Laurus Culilavan. Cullions 233. Culrage 265. Culverage = Polygonum hydropiper. Culverkey 42, 234. Culwer-wort 42. Cumin 117. Cup (Cob) 289, 290, 291. Cup-Mushroom 247. Cup-Poppy 241. Cup-Rose = Papaver Rhoeas. Curagua = Zea Curagua. Curasson red Head 52. Curled Thistle = Cirsium. Currant 297, 298, 299 (black, common, red). Currant Tree = Jacquinia armillaris. Cursed Thistle (Serratula) = Cirsium arvense. Custard-Apple 37, 37. Cutch 2. Cutfinger 373. Cutting-grass = Scleria Flagellum.

Cymling 117. Cyperus 120. Cypress-field 18. Cypress-grass 120. Cypress-moos = Lycopodium alpinum. Cypress-Poplar 268. Cypress-Spurge — Euphorbia cyparissias. Cypress-Tree 177. Cypress-Vine 177.


Daisy 62, 97. Damasc violet 166. Dame's violet 166. Dame's wort 166 = Hesperis matronalis. Damson 275. Damson Plum = Chrysophyllum oliviferum. Dandelion 190, 350. Danes blood. Dane-wort 313. Darrel (Da(e)rnel) 197, 197. Dart-Grass = Holcus. Date-Palm 250. Date Plum 127. Dauke 123. David's Root = Chiococca racemosa. Day Flower = Commelina. Day Lily 164. Day and Night 241.

Deadly Carrot = Thapsia. Deadly Night-shade 59. Deadly wale 59 и Acnistus arborescens. Deadman's Finger 233. Dead Nettle 150, 151, 184. Death's Herb Dwale 59. Deafblind Nettle 184. Deciduous Cypress = Taxodium. Deers-Hair 319. Delt Orach 59. Deodar Ceder 254. Devil in the Bush 227. Devil's Bit 319. Devil's Egg = Phallus impudicus. Devil's Guts 118. Dew-Berry 303. Dew-Grass 122.

Dill 36. Disy 97. Ditch-Bur 384. Dittander 191. Dittany 126, 191. Dittany ol Crete. Divideri = Coulteria tinctoria.

Dock 304, 306. Dock-Cresses 185. Doctor's Gum 297. Dodder of thym 118. Dogger-Plant = Jucca aloifolia. Dog-Berry-Tree 110. Dog Chamomile 209. Dog Fennel 209. Dog-Grass 362. Dog-Rose = Rosa canina. Dog's Bane 41. Dog's Chamomile 209. Dog's Cole 216. Dog's Mercury 216. Dog's Orach 95. Dog's Poison 12. Dog's Rose 301. Dog's Tailgrass 120. Dog's Tongue 119. Dog's Tooth-Violet 138. Dog's Union = Gagea lutea. Dogwood 109, 110, 142. Dogwood-Tree 109. Dollee-Wood = Myristica surinamensis. Domestic Plum Tree 275. Dominica-Oak = Ilex. Doob-grass 119. Doom. Double Dame's violet и Doublet Rocket = Hesperis tristis. Doum = Hyphaena thebaica 173. Dove Flower = Peristeria. Dove Plant = Peristeria elata. Dove's Foot = Geranium Robertianum. Dove Weed = Euphorbia serpyllifolia. Down Moss 74. Down-Tree = Ochroma Lagopus. Downy Sow Thistle = Andryala.

Dragon-Arum 50. Dragon's Blood (red 128). Dragon's Head 128. Dragon's Leaf = Dracophyllum. Dragon's Wort = Dracontium. Dragon's Tree = Pterocarpus Draco. Draper's Thistle 127. Dropwater = Oenanthe. Drop-Wort 229, 339. Drumwood = Turpinia occidentalis. Dryflower 384.

Duck-bill-wheat = Triticum turgidum. Duck's Foot = Podophyllum. Duck's Meat 190. Duck-weed 190. Dulse = Halimenia. Dutch Agrimony 139. Dutch-berried Gale = Myrica Gale. Dutch-Clover 360. Dutchmann's Pipe 45. Dutch-Myrtle 32, 221. Dutch-Rush 124.

Dwarf Moss = Grimmia. Dwarf Sumach = Rhus pumila. Dwarfish Bean 247. Dwarf Sunflower = Rudbeckia laciniata.

Dye Plant 66. Dyer's Alkauna = Anchusa tinctoria. Dyer's Anthemis 38. Dyer's Bugloss = Anchusa tinctoria. Dyer's Genista 154. Dyer's Green-weed 154. Dyer's Oak 289. Dyer's Rocket 292. Dyer's Saffron 87. Dyer's weed 292. Dyer's wood 179.


Eagle-Flower 175. Earth-Chestnut 87. Earth-Gall 138. Earth-Moss 203, 247. Earth-Nut 42, 73, 87. Earth Smoke 149. East-Indian Ebony 122. East-Indian Gin-