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Материал из Викитеки — свободной библиотеки
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ger plant = Globba. East-Indian Lime-tree = Elaeocarpus ganitrus. East-Indian Tree = Feronia.

Ebony-Tree = Ebenus.

Eddoe = Colocasia esculenta.

Egg-Plant 334. Eglantine = Rosa. Egyptian Lotus = Nymphaea Lotus. Egyptian Millet 337. Egyptian Thorn 2.

Elder-Tree 313, 314. Elecampane 177. Elemi 30. Elephant's Foot. Elephantusia = Elephanthopus, Testudinaria Elephantipes. Eleven o clock Lady 235. Elfdock 177. Elknut = Hamiltonia. Elm 367, 368.

Enchanter's Nightschade 99, 99. Endive 98.

Equestrian star = Hippeastrum.

Ergot of Rye 320. Ernut 87. Ers 136. Eryngo 137.

Eschallot. — All. Schoenoprasum.

Ettow = Cordia speciosa (Sebestena).

Euphrasy 141.

Evening Flower = Hesperantha. Evening Primrose = Oenothera. Evergreen 74, 325, 380. Evergreen Bush = Crataegus transylvanica. Evergreen Oak 288. Evergreen Thorn 113 = Crataegus transylvanica. Everlasting = Gnaphalium; Flower 164; Goldlylocks 160; Mountain 160. Everlasting Pea = Lathyrus.

Eye-Bright 141.


Fair child's mule = Dianthus Armeria. Fair-Maids of February 150. Fairy-Flax 195. Fallen-stars 227. False China = Smilax-Pseudo-China. False Hog-gum = Rhus Metopium. Fan-Palm = Corypha и Sabal. Farfara 366. Fat Hen 59.

Feaberry 298. Fealbroom = Astragalus. Feather-Few 280. Feather Grass 344. Feather Moss 173. Fedder-few 280. Felonwort 334. Felwort 138. Female Cornel 110. Female-Horsetail 168. Fenberries 237. Fennel 36, 146. Fennel Flower 226, 227. Fen-Rue 352. Fenugreek 361, 361. Fern femal 278. Fescue. Fescue Grass 144. Feverfew 209, 280. Fever-Root = Triosteum. Fever Sumach = Rhus typhina. Fever wort 137 и Triosteum.

Fiddle wood = Citharexylum. Field Agaric = Agaricus campestris. Field Anthemis 38. Field Basil = Monarda и Ziziphora. Field Elm = Ulmus campestris. Field Madder = Sherardia. Fig Marigold 216 и Chrysanthemum edule. Fig-Tree 145. Fig-wort 144, 322. Filbert = Corylus Avellana. Filmy Fern = Hymenophyllum. Fingerfern = Asplenium и Comarum. Fingergrass 240, 271. Fiorin 17. Fir = Abies. Fir Hydnum = Hydnum auriscalpium. Fir-Moss 204. Fir-Tree 253. Fire-Burn-Leaf = Sapindus. Fire Tree = Nuytsia. Fish poison = Tephrosia Toxicaria. Fistballs 202. Fitweed = Eryngium foetidum. Five-leaf 271.

Flagellily = Antholyza. Flame-Lily = Pyrolyrion. Flat-Pea = Platylobium. Flaw-Flower 35. Flax 195, 196. Flax Frequenter 118. Flax-Lily = Phormium tenax. Flax-Star = Lysimachia Linum stellatum. Fleabane 108, 135, 176. Flea-wort 176. Flix-weed 332. Float-Grass 25, 159. Floatig Meadow Grass 159. Floramor. Florimor 27. Flos Adonis = Adonis automnalis. Flote-grass 25, 159. Flower Fence = Poinciana. Flower-amour = Amaranthus. Flower of Constantinople 200. Flower-gentle 27 и Amaranthus Blitum. Flower de luce 178. Flowering Ash 147. Flowering Fern 236. Flowering Reed 81. Flowering Rush 73, 74. Flowering Spurge 122. Flower of Jove = Lychnis Flos Jovis. Flowerpride = Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Flux-Weed 332. Fly bane 14, 329. Fly Woodbine 198. Fly wort = Myanthus или Catasetum barbatum.

Fool's Parsley 12. Fore bitten More 319. Forget my not 220. Forked Fern = Aerostichum. Four leaved Grass 242. Four o clock Flower = Mirabilis dichotoma. Fowl Cherry 276. Fowler's Mountain Ash 336. Fowler's Pear = Pyrus Aucuparia. Fowler's Service-Tree 336. Fox glowe 126, 251. Fox-grape = Vitis Labrusca. Foxtail или Foxtail grass 25, 26. Fragrant Pea 187. Fraxinella 126. French Bean 248. French Cotton-Tree = Gossypium hirsutum. French Cotton-Rose = Filago gallica. French Grass 231. French Jasmine = Calotropis procera. French Marigold 347. French Honeysuckle = Onobrychis sativa. French Oak = Bucida Aceras. French Raygrass 47. French Sorrel 306. French Weed = Commelina Cayennensis. French Willow 133. French Wheat 211. Friar's Cap 8. Friar's Cowl 44. Fringe-Tree 96. Fritillary 148. Frogbit 171. Frog-Cheese 202. Frog-Grass = Salsola. Trog Lettuce 269. Frost-Blite 95.

Fulham Barley = Hordeum Zeocriton. Fuller's Herb 316. Fuller's Thistle 127. Fuller's Weed 127. Fumitory 148. Furze 367, 367. Fuss-balles 202. Fustic 297 и Maclura tinctoria и Morus tinctoria. Fuzz-ball = Lycoperdon.